The Audiovisual company that answers all your needs
Miss Universe
L'Oreal presentation Puerto Rico
Nike Product launch Subway station Buenos Aires
Miss Universe
Make the most of all the advantages Aivicom has to offer. Let us, a company with its own infrastructure, take care of each and every one of your needs for your presentation. Aivicom’s experienced and learned staff insures a synchronized work. For each presentation, we design a schedule, considering installation and rehearsals days, and taking care of every detail, whether it be directly with you or through your agency. Our Events Department will work with the executives in charge of the event, in order to develop the presentation, being, at the same time, attentive to any proposals or changes which might arise during the process.
The Excellency of a presentation lies not only in its quality but also in the organization and caring for every details. Team work,
with creativity and professionalism, insures the success of your event.